









5、祝你天天pretty,时时happy,分分healthy,秒秒lucky,永不lonely,多多money!happy littleyear!



8、Happy New Year, long luck.

9、Turn life into wine paste, use happiness as a bottle, name it with a smile, compose it with harmony, color it with Jennifer, and hire you to be a wine taster forever! Happy young year!

10、Send blessings in advance in the early years, wishing you happiness and well-being!

11、When the young year comes, my blessing is unconventional. I send you a coat. Good luck is the collar, the front is good luck, the back is good luck, and the middle is warm. I wish you happiness, happiness, and ease.




15、On the occasion of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, please allow me to take the Millennium Qingsong as the pen, the mountains and rivers as the ink, and the blue sky as the proclamation, adding the beauty of plum, the enchanting of peony and the freshness of daisy, and drawing a picture of year of the snake's endless life. To celebrate the happy New Year.




19、Happy New Year, Happy Gone with the Wind: Send you a "happy" moon to hang on the treetops, and wish you good health and good mood; Send you a "lucky" sun to live in front of the window. May your heart be warm and sweet. The sun and the moon will testify. Blessings have been sent. I wish you a happy and happy New Year.

20、The ups and downs in life record the fate track, and the track leaves your shadow. When the New Year comes, I wish you the most sincere wishes, and sincerely wish you every success in the New Year.


21、On the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, I wish you a happy New Year, year after year!

22、On the 23 rd day of the twelfth lunar month, every household is busy sweeping the house; Stick grilles, killing cattle and sheep, rejoicing in the New Year; Worship the kitchen king, seek good fortune, and live in peace for another year; When the young year comes, I wish you happiness and peace and a happy family!

23、Will there be fewer blessings when the young year comes? Many blessings, will troubles be noisy? When the troubles are gone, will happiness be far behind? When happiness approaches, will happiness still run? I wish you: happiness surrounds you and clouds cover you everywhere. Peace and happiness, and happiness in a young year.

24、新年到了,扫一扫尘土,开开心心;除去污秽,满天吉祥;驱散忧郁,满屋幸福; ,财富飙升;送上祝福,美无限:祝你新年快乐,生活红红火火!


26、When the young year arrives, I wish that happiness is indispensable, sweep away troubles, wash away worries, welcome happiness into the house, make a good way, be happy and high-profile, and be really lively with joy. I wish the family happiness and all the best in the new year! Happy young year!


28、Say goodbye to the old and welcome the new year, and send away the kitchen king to welcome good luck.


30、When the young year comes, you are busy giving gifts. When giving gifts, you should send greetings. A dime is very cheap, and your friends receive a smile. Pain is sent out for thousands of miles, happiness is wrapped up, trouble is killed with one shot, and friends are always remembered forever. Xiaonian wishes friends to manage their lives with heart and be happy!



33、When the young year is over, my troubles are swept away, and I smile happily. Bless my friends: friends are intimate, lovers are United, my work is comfortable, my family is United, everything goes well, I am always happy, and everything is satisfactory!

34、On the 23 rd day of the twelfth lunar month, after a small year, eat sugar officials, worship the kitchen god, and pray for a good luck in the coming year; Sweep the house, clean the windows, burn firecrackers, steam rice cakes, and be busy with the fire to welcome the new year; When the young year is coming, take time off from your busy schedule to send your blessings. May your family be happy and happy, and everything goes well with you!


36、God said: Happiness means having a grateful heart, a healthy body, a satisfactory job, a person who loves you deeply, and a group of trusted friends. You will have all these things! I wish you a happy young year!


38、The more the tea tastes, the more mellow the wine is, the clearer the water is, the longer the feeling is, the more true it is, the vicissitudes of the years, the changes are ups and downs, and year after year, too many have flowed away with the years, only our friendship is still true. When the young year comes, I wish you happiness and peace, and everything will come true!


40、Jade rat jumps, auspicious cow laughs, jade rat hikes up the tail cow receives the imperial edict, lucky star approaches, lucky cloud bypasses, happy people get lucky, life is sweet, happy events are sought, peace and happiness are wonderful, wealth is abundant, health is strong, career is thriving and step by step, festivals come, families are noisy, and firecrackers are set off happily. I wish you a happy young year!






45、Say goodbye to the old and welcome the new year, and send away the kitchen king to welcome good luck. Old dreams are like clouds, and the arrival of the New Year is swept away.


47、With the arrival of the auspicious year, the New Year begins to count down, happiness erupts ahead of time, jubilation comes on stage ahead of time, peace is booked ahead of time, mood index is bullish, happy life is in sight, and everything goes well.


49、When the young year comes, I want to tell you what I have in my heart, and say thank you to you! Bless the people I love and those who love me, happy all day, good things one after another; All troubles are abandoned, and good luck keeps coming!




53、The Year of the Ox is coming, and the New Year's Eve wishes you clean up: the sheep tail sweeps away troubles, and the Year of the Ox welcomes a smile. I wish you a prosperous career, a prosperous fortune and a long life! I wish you a happy New Year!

54、Make a warm New Year with the joy of reunion.

55、When the young year arrives, cut out red window grilles, hang festive lanterns, put up red couplets, sweep away the troubles of one year, and welcome the wishes of the New Year. I wish you a prosperous and prosperous life in the coming year!

56、send you a healthy generation, and wish your family a sweet life.

57、With the first ray of sunshine in the morning, I wish you good luck for a day. It's already a little year, and the weather hasn't warmed up yet. I wish I could catch a cold by adding clothes in the morning and evening. I wish my thoughts could fly to my friends in the warm wind.

58、The young year is coming, happiness is coming, and the family wishes to reunite!

59、Light incense, worship the kitchen god, and Grandpa Kitchen King hurts you. Say hello, don't toss about, everything will be pleasant and evil. May you have a Xiao Xi in your young year, a big day in your new year, a surprise in the coming year, a sweet life and a happy and happy life!



61、The twelfth lunar month, New Year's greetings come, I pray for you, I wish you happiness and no worries, I wish you happiness and good luck, I wish you health and good luck, and I wish you family reunion, and I wish you a new year and a new atmosphere!




65、The window is bright and refreshing, and the young year is happy.





70、I wish you a happy family when the young year comes.








