





2、Qixi is a time of joy and celebration, and it is a popular time for weddings in China.



5、Whether you're in a long-distance relationship or facing other challenges, the Qixi Festival can be a source of inspiration and hope.


7、The Double Seventh Festival is a time to honor the divine feminine energy and to celebrate the power of women to transform and heal the world.


9、On this special day, I promise to love and cherish my partner forever.

10、On Qixi, love is in the air, and all who witness it are moved by its power and grace.

11、Qixi is a day to let go of fear and doubt, and to surrender to the power of love that surrounds us all.

12、The festival is also a time to recognize the power of community and to work together to create a better world for all.

13、It is a time to let go of past regrets and to embrace the present moment with open hearts and open minds.

14、Seven princess and seven shepherds might be a legend, but love is a reality that exists beyond the bounds of time and space.







21、Qixi Festival is a special day to express our love and devotion to our partners.

22、The Double Seventh Festival is a time of hope and celebration, symbolizing the power of love and the persistence of the human spirit.

23、The festival is observed by couples exchanging gifts, chocolates, and taking romantic walks under the starry skies.



26、This year, let's take the time to embrace the mysteries of the universe and to celebrate the wonder and beauty of love.

27、For Chinese people, Qixi Festival is a day to cherish love, happiness, and relationships.

28、The Double Seventh Festival is a time to honor and celebrate the true essence of love, which is to give without expecting anything in return.

29、It is a time of reflection and gratitude for love, as well as an opportunity to renew bonds with loved ones.

30、The Qixi Festival is a time when people express their gratitude for their loved ones and pray for their well-being.

31、The star Vega represents Zhinu and the star Altair represents Niulang.

32、Qixi Festival is also a time to reflect on past relationships, both happy and sad, and to learn from those experiences in order to grow as individuals.

33、Whether celebrated with elaborate festivities or quiet introspection, the Double Seventh Festival is a cherished part of Chinese culture that continues to inspire and unite people around the world.

34、Mit dir fühle ich mich vollkommen.

35、The Double Seventh Festival is a time to reflect on the meaning and importance of love, and to appreciate those who make our lives better.





40、The festival is a time to celebrate the unique and diverse experiences of women throughout the world, and to honor the ways that they continue to enrich our lives.

41、On Qixi Festival, people often write love poems or create artwork that expresses their feelings for their partner.

42、There are many customs and traditions associated with the Double Seventh Festival, each with its own unique story and meaning.

43、Qixi Festival is a time to value the importance of communication and honesty in building strong and meaningful relationships.


45、Qixi Festival is celebrated as a day of romance and beauty, a time to appreciate the natural world and the wonders of human emotion.

46、Qixi Festival is a time when people give gifts to their loved ones and show their affection.

47、Whether it's through a phone call, a message, or a thoughtful gift, let's take the time to express our gratitude to those who mean the most to us.

48、The Qixi Festival, also known as Chinese Valentine's Day, falls on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month.



51、No matter what obstacles we may face, the love we share with those closest to us can sustain us through anything.


53、Whether you're starting a new relationship or looking to strengthen an existing one, the Qixi Festival is the perfect time to make a commitment to honesty and openness with your partner.

54、Qixi is an important time for romantic love in China, and many couples choose to get engaged or married during this time.

55、The festival is a reminder to cherish one's loved ones and to take time to celebrate the joys of romance and the beauty of life.

56、From the graceful flight of a bird to the gentle rustling of the leaves, the world around us is full of the magic of love.

57、Qixi Festival is a day to appreciate the love and affection we share with our partners.

58、Today is the traditional Chinese Valentine's Day, also known as Qixi Festival.


60、The Qixi Festival is a time for couples to express their love for each other through various romantic activities.

61、Qixi is a time when people reflect on the importance of love and relationships in their lives.

62、The Qixi Festival is a time to appreciate the beauty of the world around us and celebrate the mystery of love.

63、The festival is also a time to recognize the importance of family and to cherish the bonds that tie us together as a community.

64、The Double Seventh Festival is a time for joy, laughter and reflection, and is a cherished tradition in many Chinese households.


66、It is a time to recognize the power of love to heal all wounds and to transform even the most difficult of situations into opportunities for growth and learning.

67、The Double Seventh Festival is a time to honor the power of love to bring us closer to ourselves, to one another, and to the divine spark that animates all things in the universe.

68、As we celebrate this special day, let us rejoice in the beauty and mystery of life, and in the love that makes it all worthwhile.

69、Whether you're single or in a relationship, the Qixi Festival can be a joyful and meaningful celebration of the power of love.

70、On Qixi, couples often exchange gifts and go on romantic dates.

71、Qixi is a day to acknowledge the power of love to heal and transform our lives, and to take action to create a more loving and harmonious world.



74、This year, why not make a wish for everlasting love and happiness with your partner?

75、The story of the heavenly princess and the cowherd has inspired countless works of literature, art, and music throughout Chinese history.

76、The festival has always been considered a ritual for lovers to express their love for each other and celebrate the joys of being in love.


78、This year, Qixi Festival falls on August 14th in the Gregorian calendar.

79、The Qixi Festival is a reminder that true love is worth fighting for, even in the face of adversity.



82、As we celebrate the Double Seventh Festival, we affirm the power of love to transform and elevate our lives, and to bring us closer to the divine.